Honesty and intentionally helping people through the four gates of engagement--
Awareness: tell them. Knowledge: teach them. Admiration: love them. Action: do something.
This country was framed on God, Vision, Guts and Sacrifice. Fear removes all four catalysts and replaces it with emotions, no vision, herd mentality and no backbone for fear of recourse. Can you not see the tsunami coming?
We must get back to the basics that built this great country, and by the way, it’s still a great country. I don’t care what the SIOP of the “medianites” are trying to paint a picture of. Jesus always said do not be afraid, be of Good Cheer. Fear causes captivation of entire entities, disabling individuals- and it’s spiritual. Being afraid is a natural preservation emotion that’s natural and is a part of our God-instilled survival tactics. Our motto in the ministry, one of many, is if you are afraid, do it afraid and you will find it was only fear. FEAR: False – Events – Altering – Reality Because of what you eat through your eyes, ears and mouth, you become and you are what you eat. History (true history) is true and can’t be changed.
The question I want to ask you is: ““Can you stand”- to be blessed?” What monetary gain are you exchanging for your time? Are you watching your heritage being indoctrinated into a hopeless, purposeless existence? Has what you’ve meditated on caused fear to replace your faith? I am not asking you to place your faith in me, but in the vision that God has given me,” not to think about,” but put boots on the ground and turn this nation around. Stand, stay true to God - Hold position - Endure success and setbacks – Most of all to remain in His presence. Never forgetting I am a servant, and always giving the Glory to God.
Our part in this as a country is – serve one another, and not to fight one another – divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book.
2 Chronicles Ch.7 verse 14: If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.
The sole purpose of Jacob’s Ladder Ranch is to place children ages 10-21 into a natural environment with separation from technology stimulation. We want to incite natural stimulation by bringing chemistry and emotions into realignment also exposing and implementing educational programs. This will allow the individual the ability to “be” and excel as a well-balanced person he/she was created to be. These children are our future generation. Getting back to basic proven principles of decency, respect and Judah’s morals. Teaching chivalry, respect to the elders and imparting encouragement to advance and overcome obstacles that would otherwise block children from pursuing purpose.
Outreach Servanthood: children helping people who otherwise aren’t able to help themselves. Clean up Programs: painting, weeding, planting flowers, etc. Children learn to serve by not feeling entitled for monetary return. Paint Stores and Building Material Stores are always on board to donate to humanitarian endeavors.
Meals on Wheels: This program is for the elderly that are on a fixed income, needing physical assistance or emotionally unstable; due to a loss or sickness. Children will deliver meals and help with small tasks needed. This program is not for just delivering meals, but a way to encourage and show the elderly that there are good people who care about them in the world. This in turn is showing the children life lessons that can change their view of entitlement and giving.
The Vegetable Garden (40-60 acres): This program will not only create a food source for sustaining the ranch, but would supply an abundant resource for the surrounding communities. Children would do a lot of the maintenance and planting (working daily in the garden at their capability). There will be a Produce Stand code permitted by community standards, to sell produce at half price. This is to keep residual income for expenses of the garden. Agriculture is not an uneducated endeavor for us. We are not walking into this blind, nor having a misunderstanding of the caliber of this great mission.
Our country as a whole has gone from “We the people for the people” to “We the people for us.” The great rewards in my life experiences are having opportunities and the ability to serve as I bless others. I bless others not only by speaking encouragement, but to be in a position to walk in a way of leading by example. This program of restoration is formulated to incite, ignite, align character and emotions assist in fulfilling purpose into children. Our focus is to bring hope back into the minds of persons that have been drawn into the “slow fade” of out of balance chemistry. This definitely is not a vacation. There will be structured timelines and activities that will be expected to follow. Participation in activities is expected among all individuals ( by physical abilities and graded by each person’s ability). Appropriate hygiene and daily responsibilities (making of bed, folding of clothes etc.) are to be expected. Children’s Programs and Abilities This program is an earnable point system.
Special activities are earned by achievement and points that are acquired based on participation in growth shown. There will be a “snack shack” during free time through a point system. You have to earn the points by participating in structured activities, and excelling in levels within the program to be rewarded. These activities include but are not limited to the following: volleyball, kickball, rope climbing, tug of war, paintball, working with animals, age appropriate board games, daily routine exercises (walking) etc. You must finish what you commit to! or you will lose points. For persons who align themselves and excel, will receive special privileges to zip-lining, horseback riding, and enjoy theme parks (Busch Gardens, Universal Studios). Every person that’s a part and will be a part of this endeavor will have successful background checks, proven character traits demonstrated, great knowledge, experience and understanding of our mission.
God Bless you,
Joseph Chapman
CEO and President
America was created on sacrifice and giving of oneself for others. Not divided but united. My father Daniel Chapman gave his life at the age of 27 years old for this great country. I was 3 years old. This set off a chain reaction of brokenness in my childhood. My mother being in and out of mental health hospitals with 4 kids to take care of caused us to live with different relatives, feeling abandoned and broken. I understand brokenness and have worked with children’s ministry for over 20 years. I am so blessed with 3 adult children and 7 grandchildren, all thriving and healthy in society. So this endeavor doesn’t come without sacrifice of my family and I. I am committed to this endeavor 24/7 for the rest of my life. Thank you for taking the time to hear my heart by reading this information , and I pray you'll consider this great opportunity of partnering with us in this mission of this turn around ministry.
Every year as honest tax paying citizens, we pay our dues as these monies leave our hands. We have no idea where and what is applied, or what these monies are used for empowering. But realistically, we can legally divert a portion of these monies into something we know is making positive changes to take place. These positive changes are our generation, our children and young adults. However, we’re not asking for money that you don’t have to already pay, but diverting into America’s children.
We are also welcoming donations.
We must wake up and gain understanding of what is taking place right under our roofs, an epidemic of tsunami proportions. Our children and young adults are being seduced by technology marketing, and have studied and determined how to stimulate dopamine to levels that lead to addiction to the device. These dopamine releases, have through studies by neuroscientists discovered to have the same causative effect level as cocaine and heroin. Children who are under constant bombardment of stimulation, will experience the brain shutting down to literally collapse and function at very low frequency. This causes chemistry release of fight and flight of chemistries, emotional responses, and physical reactions. This condition can vary due to addiction, anger, anxiety, agitation, outburst (fits), depression and antisocial behavior; that leads to imprisonment to the actual device. But there’s hope! And we can help. These children are our future judges, presidents, doctors, lawyers, and congressmen etc. This is a huge problem that requires huge endeavor and commitment. It’s a fact that bad things happen when good people do nothing. Please consider the opportunity we are presenting to you for partnership in this major turn around ministry.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
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